Friday, December 28, 2012

Everything Must Start Somewhere

Well, my BIG dreams were met with a very skeptical look. We are not in the financial position to just pack up and move to the country. Of course my hubby has to come in and be all practical. However, he did give in a little (he is so great at compromise!) and we have purchased a house just outside the city limits. It is on about half an acre which isn't a lot but it is enough to have a small garden for now and the girls can run and play. The world just seems so crazy today and I need to feel like I have some control over at least my small little part. We have decided to start a new diet and make a huge lifestyle change. I am not too sure how I will survive it or if I will. I have grown up in a world where my family just eats McDonalds 3-4 times a week and now our health and our children's health are paying for our gluttony. Baby steps to a simpler, healthier, happier life. When I am feeling brave enough I will take a picture of me now, my frazzled, out of shape self. I am hoping that in a year I can look back and not recognize the person in the picture. I have decided this blog will mostly be thoughts and goings on in our journey. I hope to be able to find support and give support to anyone who would like to read along.

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